Spring is here and what a better way to celebrate one of our favourite collections of 2022 then with some of our closest influencers, VIP customers and friends!
We strive create every collection with our community in mind and we’re beyond excited to share this latest collection with you! We have worked extremely hard behind the scenes closely with our whole team to bring to life our Garden Party Collection. We are confident you will adore these pieces and they will make a forever home in your wardrobe.Thank you all again for joining us we hope to see you all at our next event!
Please enjoy these images taken by the gorgeous Laura who also was the model for our Spring Campaign Shoot.
Special thanks to the following brands for sponsoring our Goodie Bags for the evening:
Mr Consistent. @mr.consistent_
Chekoh @chekohbaby
Remedy Drinks @remedydrinks
Who is Elijah Parfum @whoiselijahparfum
Laser Clinics Northlakes @laserclinicsau_northlakes
Paradiso Collective @paradisocollective_
The Avenue Gifts @theavenuegifts
Skin Sister @skinsisterau
Charlie and Bear @charlieand_bear
Quirkee Circus @quirkeecircusco