Meet The Model | Bekky Maguire

Meet The Model | Bekky Maguire

We sat down with the gorgeous Bekky Maguire (@bekkymaguire) to chat about all things beauty, social media, and being a mama. We were lucky enough to shoot some content of Bekky and her bub Margot for our latest knitwear collection, Asteria Drop Three. 

Keep reading to learn about all things Bekky, and receive some valuable beauty and skincare tips!

As it’s your first time shooting for TLC, tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into social media? 

Thank you for inviting me to the shoot, I had so much fun. 

I am a Mumma to two beautiful girls (Arli & Margot) and I am married to my best friend James. I don’t have a lot of time on my hands but when I do, I love going to the beach, having long coffee dates and dancing around the house to my favourite records. 

In a way I’ve always done social media/ content creation. I used to take photos and make videos on my laptop for fun as a child. After I left school I started a YouTube channel and Instagram where I posted about my life while I studied my degree (I have a bachelors in fine arts Drama). 

I got serious about it as a job by accident though! After I had my first baby, lockdown started and I felt really alone as a SAHM. I started posting more about my life, skincare, and beauty. I found lots of wonderful new friends and a whole community of people, plus I also found out I'm kind of good at taking pretty photos and videos people like! I’ve grown this really lovely little community of people who I like to think of as my friends- I love it. 

What is your star sign? 

I’m a Sagittarius!

Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside? 

I grew up on the south side of Brisbane and I now live on the Northside with my husband and two girls (but we tend to move around a lot due to my husband's job!).

Your two girls are absolutely gorgeous! What do you love most about motherhood? 

Oh thank you so much, I think they are the best humans alive but I’m seriously biased. There is so much I could say and love about being a Mumma. Lately I’ve just really been enjoying watching them come into their own personalities. Since having Margot it’s been so cool to see how different and similar they are! They truly make each day so much fun. 

Do you have any hidden talents? 

um.. I can wiggle my ears. Does that count? 

Your passion for all things beauty and skincare is inspiring! How did you discover your love for this industry? 

I’ve always been a fan of makeup, I’ve played around with creating looks for as long as I remember. As for skincare, my obsession came after having my first bub. Growing up I used to watch my mum apply her skincare, it was her moment of “me time”. I guess I copied her in a way and skincare became my moment to focus on myself. Both were a hobby and a passion, as well as a way to decompress. Now they have also become part of my job which is really cool. 

Fave snack? 

Anything chocolate!!!

As you hold so much knowledge about skincare, what are your biggest skincare tips? 

Never skip SPF!! Truly makes a world of difference and without it any of your skincare is essentially null and void. I surprise people on the regular when I tell them my age, they usually guess I’m younger. I like to think my SPF routine is to thank for that. 

What was your favourite piece from Asteria Drop 3?

Oh for sure the Hazel knit dress in sunset ombré!! I’ve had my eye on it ever since you dropped a sneak peek. 

We hope you enjoyed our chat with Bekky! To have a look at Bekky's content and beauty recommendations, you can find and follow her on Instagram: @bekkymaguire
You can also take a look at some of the images and reels we created with Bekky and Margot on our own Instagram: @lullabyclub.
Love TLC x
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